
Die Neigung des Blau zur Vertiefung ist so groß, daß es gerade in tieferen Tönen intensiver wird und charakteristischer innerlich wirkt.

Je tiefer das Blau wird, desto mehr ruft es den Menschen in das Unendliche.

Wassily Kandinsky: Über das Geistige in der Kunst. Bern: Benteli 1952


Vincent van Gogh

… I see myself … as having to do something with heart and love in it within a few years, and do it with willpower. … SOMETHING MUST BE DONE — that thought is my guiding principle in making plans for the work. A certain desire to make every effort will thus seem to you all the more understandable. At the same time a certain resolve to use simple means. And perhaps you’ll also be able to understand that, for my part, I don’t view my studies in isolation, but always have in mind the work as a whole. …

Vincent van Gogh to his brother Theo van Gogh on August 7, 1883, The Hague               Orig. manuscript at Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum


Letter 371. Inv.nos. b332 a.b V/1962)



Vincent van Gogh

Making Van Gogh


“Im Zentrum der Ausstellung steht die Entstehung des „Mythos van Gogh” um 1900 sowie die Bedeutung seiner Kunst für die Moderne in Deutschland.

Insbesondere für die jungen Expressionisten wurde van Goghs Malerei zum Vorbild und zur maßgeblichen Inspirationsquelle – ohne seine Kunst ist die Entstehung der Moderne in Deutschland kaum denkbar.”

Schaut Euch die Ausstellung an. Diese Gemälde haben eine Wirkung, die kein Kalenderblatt transportieren kann. Wer das Gelb und das Blau sehen und fühlen kann. der wird verstehen – und noch viele Fragen haben.

See here: https://www.staedelmuseum.de/de/vangogh


Making Van Gogh

Giacometti – This summer – At Beyeler


Fondation Beyeler/ Basel/ Schweiz

Bacon – Giacometti

29.4. – 2.9.2018

Bacon and Giacometti both take the human figure as their main point of artistic reference. Both occupy themselves with the fragmented and deformed body. This exhibition brings the two artists together for the first time. Different as their art may initially appear, the joint presentation of their work reveals many surprising similarities.

For more information see: https://www.fondationbeyeler.ch/bacongiacometti/


Giacometti – This summer – At Beyeler

Giacometti – This summer – Lousiana



Every time, now and then, when I face the sculptures of Giacometti, I become aware of my physical body. And only my shadows, when I play with them and experiment with their size, at that moment as they get longer, they are similar to the human figures he has created.

One day spent at Louisiana on May 1st, 2018.


Louisiana  Museum of Modern Art/ Humblebaek/ Danmark

Giacometti Gallery

The works of Alberto Giacometti constitute a great pillar of the Louisiana Collection. The museum’s large collection of his original sculptures – large even from an international perspective – interplay in an almost miraculous way with Bo and Wohlert’s architecture. The two-floor Gallery, which contains most of the major figures, was not originally built for the purpose, but it feels as though they have “come home” here. 

For more information see: https://en.louisiana.dk/giacometti-gallery


Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum / New York/ USA


June 8 – Sept. 12, 2018

This exhibition examines a new the artist’s practice and his unmistakable aesthetic vocabulary. His sculptures, paintings and drawings presented in the rotunda aims to provide a deeper understanding of this artist, whose intensive focus on the human condition continues to provoke and inspire new generations.

For more Information see: https://www.guggenheim.org/exhibition/giacometti







Giacometti – This summer – Lousiana